Monday, June 13, 2005

Greek And Roman Gods

Did you know that many Greek and Roman gods differed in name only? Well, if you didn’t or if you do, you should learn at least one from the list given below:

Attribute Greek Roman

Beauty, love Aphrodite Venus

War Ares Mars

Hunting Artemis Diana

Wisdom Athene Minerva

Agriculture Demeter Ceres

Wine Dionysus Bacchus

Passion Eros Cupid

The Earth Gaia/Ge Tellus

Underworld/wealth Hades/Dis Pluto

Smith god Hephaestus Vulcan

Chief goddess Hera Juno

Messenger god Hermes Mercury

Health and home Hestia Vesta

The sky Ouranos Uranus

Sea/oceans Poseidon Neptune

Chief god Zeus Jupiter


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