Published Saturday, December 27, 2008
Here are a list of various family members (relatives) names in Spanish. You can use them to say the names of your family members in Spanish. The names for male members are masculine and end with the letter "o", and the names for female members are feminine and end with the letter "a". So you replace the last letter in a family name with "a" or "o" depending on if the relative is female or male, respectively. If you are naming a family member group that has both male and female relatives then you use the masculine form.
Names of Family Relatives in Spanish
- padre: ______________________ father
- madre:______________________ mother
- hermano:____________________ brother
- hermana:____________________ sister
- suegro:______________________ father-in-law
- suegra:______________________ mother-in-law
- cuñado: _____________________ brother-in-law
- cuñada: _____________________ sister-in-law
- esposo, marido:_______________ husband
- esposa, marida:_______________ wife
- abuelo:______________________ grandfather
- abuela:______________________ grandmother
- bisabuelo: ___________________ great-grandfather
- bisabuela: ___________________ great-grandmother
- tatarabuelo: _________________ great-great-grandfather
- tatarabuela: _________________ great-great-grandmother
- hijo: ________________________ son
- hija: ________________________ daughter
- nieto: _______________________ grandson
- nieta: _______________________ granddaughter
- bisnieto:_____________________ great-grandson
- bisnieta:_____________________ great-granddaughter
- tataranieto:__________________ great-great-grandson
- tataranieta:__________________ great-great-granddaughter
- tío: _________________________ uncle
- tía: _________________________ aunt
- tío abuelo: ___________________ great-uncle
- tía abuela: ___________________ great-aunt
- primo:_______________________ cousin (male)
- prima:_______________________ cousin (female)
- primo carnal, prima carnal:_____ first cousin
- primo segundo, prima segunda:__ second cousin
- sobrino:______________________ nephew
- sobrina:______________________ niece
- padrastro:____________________ stepfather
- madrastra: ___________________ stepmother
- hijastro:______________________ stepson
- hijastra:______________________ stepdaughter
- hermanastro:__________________ stepbrother
- hermanastra:__________________ stepsister
- medio hermano, hermano de padre, hermano de madre: _ half brother
- media hermana, hermana de padre, hermana de madre: _ half sister
Some other terms used to say your family members name in Spanish
- papá ______________________ dad
- mamá _____________________ mum
- mis padres _________________ my parents
- mis papás __________________ my mum and dad
- concuñado: ______________________ husband of one's spouse's sister
- concuñada: ______________________ wife of one's spouse's brother
- prometido, novio: _________________ fiance, boyfriend, groom
- prometida, novia: _________________ fiancee, girlfriend, bride
Friend and Acquaintance - amigo: ______________________ friend (male)
- amiga: ______________________ friend (female)
- conocido: ____________________ acquaintance (male)
- conocida: ____________________ acquaintance (female)
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Languages by Countries Languages by Countries
Saying Things in Different Language How to Say Hello in Different Languages How to say I Love You in different languages How to say Happy New Year in different languages How to say Merry Christmas in Different LanguagesLabels: Language, Spanish
Published Saturday, May 24, 2008
Hello is a word used as greeting. It is an expression used to greet somebody you meet (or to answer a telephone call). If you want to say "hello" in a different language then the list below should come in handy.
However, verbally expressing (saying) “hello” might not be easy. Trying to pronounce a word in a different language, that you are not acquainted with, can cause you to mispronounce the word. If possible, try to listen carefully to how people of that language greet each other. The pronunciation of word can also vary from one region to another within a country. It may, as well, not be the best phrase to say in a given situation. Depending on a culture, it may be customary to say “hello” with a hand shake, hug, bow etc.
Since you are learning to say HELLO in different languages not all countries are listed. This is because you are not learning to say HELLO in every different country (where the language would be the same for one already listed). Here are some of the ways of saying "hello" in different languages around the world.
Afrikaans | South Africa | Goeie More | Albanian | Albania | Tungjatjeta | American | USA | Hi/hello | Arabic | N. Africa, Middle East | Marhaba | Armenian | Armenia | Barevdzes | Australian | Australia | G'day | Azerbaijani | Azerbaijan, Iran | Salaam Aleihum | Basque | Spain | Kaixo | Belorussian | Belorussia | Dobri Dzen | Bengali | India | Namoshkar | Bosnian | Bosnia | Merhaba | Bulgarian | Bulgaria | Zdravei | Burmese | Burma (Myanmar) | Min Ga La Baa | Cantonese | China | Nei Ho | Cambodian (Khmer) | Cambodia | Joom Reab Suor | Catalan | Spain | Hola | Cherokee | N. America | O'siyo | Chichewa | Malawi | Moni | Chinese (Cantonese) | China | Nei Hou Ma | Chinese (Mandarin) | China | Ni Hao | Croatian | Croatia, Bosnia | Bog | Czech | Czech Republic | Ahoj | Danish | Denmark, Greenland | Goddag, Hejsa | Dutch | Netherlands | Hallo, Goeiendag | English | England | Hello | Esperanto | World-wide | Saluton | Estonian | Estonia | Tere | Farsi | Persia | Salaam | Filipino | Philippines | Mabuhay | Finnish | Finland | Heippa, Moi | French | France | Bonjour | Georgian | Georgia | Gamarjobat | German | Germany | Guten tag | Greek | Greece | Geia sou | Guam | Guam | Hafa dai | Hawaiian | Hawaii | Aloha | Hebrew | Israel | Shalom, Ma Nishma | Hindi | India | Namaste | Hmong | Laos, Thailand | Nyob Zoo | Hungarian | Hungary | Sziasztok | Indonesian | Indonesia | Salam, Apa kabar | Inuit | Canada | Kutaa | Irish Gaelic | Ireland | Dia dhuit | Italian | Italy | Ciao | Japanese | Japan | Konnichiwa, Ohayo | Korean | Korea | Ahnyong | Khmer | Cambodia | Joom Reab Suor | Lahu | Thailand, Burma | Cheh Shala | Lao | Laos | Sa Bai Dii | Latin | Vatican City | Salve | Latvian | Latvia | Sveiki | Lisu | Thailand, Burma | Ali Nga | Lithuanian | Lithuania | Labas | Luxembourgish | Luxembourg | Moien | Macedonian | Macedonia | Zdravo | Malagasy | Madagascar | Manao Ahoana | Malay | Malaysia | Apa Khabar | Malayalam | India | Namaskaram | Marshall | Marshall Islands | Kasalelia | Mohawk | N. America | Kwe | Mandinka | W. Africa | Kayira Be | Maori | New Zealand | Kiaora | Mongolian | Mongolia | Sain Bainu | Nepali | Nepal | Namaste | Nigerian | Nigeria | Bawoni | Norwegian | Norway | Hallo | Pao | Thailand, Burma | Na Aw Hsaw Ha | Palau | Palau | Alii | Papiamento | Aruba, Curacao, Bonaire | Con Ta Bai | Pidgin English | Papua New Guinea | Gude | Polish | Poland | Dzien Dobry | Portuguese | Portugal, Brazil | Ola | Punjabi | Punjab, India | Sat Sri Akal | Romanian | Romania | Salut | Russian | Russia | Privet | Saad (Navajo) | N. America | Ya at' Eeh | Saipan | Saipan Island | Hafa Dai | Samoan | Samoan Islands | Talofa | Scotish Gaelic | Scotland | Ciamar A Tha Sibh | Serbian | Serbia | Zdravo | Setswana | Botswana | Dumela Mma (to female) | Setswana | Botswana | Dumela Rra (to male) | Slovak | Slovakia | Ahoj | Slovenian | Slovenia | Zdravo, Zivjo | Spanish | S. and C. America, Spain | Hola, Bono Estente? | Sri Lankan | Sri Lanka | Kohomada | Swahili | Africa | Jambo | Swedish | Sweden | Hej | Tagalog | Philippines | Oy | Tamil | India | Vanakkam, Nalama | Telugu | India | Namaskaaramulu | Thai | Thailand | Sawaddee Ka (to female) | Thai | Thailand | Sawaddee Krab (to male) | Turkish | Turkey | Merhaba | Ukrainian | Ukraine | Privit, Dobri Den | Urdu | Pakistan | Asalam Alaykum | Vietnamese | Vietnam | Chao | Welsh | Wales | Dydd Da | Wiganese | Wigan | Alreet, Orreet | Xhosa | South Africa | Molo | Yorkshire | Yorkshire | Ay Up |
Related Articles: How to say I Love You in different languages How to say Merry Christmas in Different LanguagesLabels: Language
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