Mottos for countries around the world
Motto can be defined as a word, phrase, or sentence that expresses the principles or belief of a person, group, country, or organization. This is why you will find that some businesses, universities, and other institutions have a motto. It expresses their goals, ideals, and identity. Likewise, there are many countries around the world that use mottos to express such character or belief that define the citizens of that country. Interestingly, some of these mottos can even give insight into the history of a country. This weeks article will list some of the countries around the world along with their motto. What is your country's motto?
Country Motto
Andorra:......................Virtus unita fortior (Latin - "Strength united is stronger")
Antigua and Barbuda:...Each endeavouring, all achieving
Argentina:....................En unión y libertad (Spanish - "In union and freedom")
Armenia:.......................Remembrance of the past, strength for the future
Aruba:.............................Un isla feliz (Papiamento - "A Happy Island")
Austria:........................Austria est in orbit ultima (Latin - "Austria will be the last to perish")
Azerbaijan:................Land of the Eternal Fire
Bahamas:………………..Forward upward onward together
Barbados:……………….Pride and Industry
Belgium:……………….L'union fait la force, Eendracht maakt macht and Einigkeit gibt Stärke (French , Dutch and German - "Strength lies in unity")
Belize:.......................Sub umbra floreo (Latin - "Under the shade I flourish")
Bolivia:....................Firme y Feliz por la Unión (Spanish - "Firm and Happy because of the Union")
Brazil:.......................Ordem e progresso (Portuguese - "Order and progress")
Brunei:.......................Brunei darussalam (Malay - "Brunei, the abode of peace")
Bulgaria:...................Saedinenieto pravi silata (Bulgarian - "Union is strength")
Cambodia:................Nation, Religion, King
Cayman Islands:......He hath founded it upon the seas
Canada:.....................A mari usque ad mare (Latin - "From sea to sea")
Colombia:.................Libertad y orden (Spanish - "Freedom and order")
Costa Rica:..............¡Pura vida! (Spanish - "Pure life!")
Cuba:.........................Patria y Libertad (Spanish - "Homeland and Liberty")
Czech Republic:....Pravda vítězí! (Czech - "Truth prevails!")
Denmark:................Royal motto: Guds hjælp, Folkets kærlighed, Danmarks styrke (Danish - "God's help, the love of the people, Denmark's strength")
Dominican Republic:..................Dios, Patria, Libertad (Spanish - "God, Country, Liberty")
East Timor:........................Honra, pátria e povo (Portuguese - "Honour, country and people")
Ecuador:..............................Ecuador ha sido, es y será un país amazónico (Spanish - "Ecuador has been, is and will be an amazonic country")
El Salvador:......................Dios, Unión, Libertad (Spanish - "God, Union, Liberty")
Equatorial Guinea:........Unidad, Paz, Justicia (Spanish - "Unity, Peace, Justice")
European Union:........In varietate concordia (United in diversity - Unie dans la diversité, etc. (Translated into the languages of the member states of the EU))
Fiji:..................................Rerevaka na Kalou ka Doka na Tui (Fijian - "Fear God and honour the Queen")
France:........................Liberté, égalité, fraternité (French - "Liberty, equality, brotherhood")
Georgia:......................ძალა ერთობაშია! (Dzala ertobashia) (Georgian - "Strength is in Unity")
Germany:.................Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit (German - "Unity and justice and freedom")
Greece:...................Ελευθερια η θανατος (transliterated as "Eleutheria i thanatos") (Greek - "Liberty or death")
Guyana:................One people, one nation, one destiny
Haiti:..................L'union fait la force (French -"Unity is strength")
Honduras:........Libre, Soberana E Independiente(Spanish - "Free, sovereign and independent")
Hungary:............none, formerly Regnum Mariae Patrona Hungariae (Latin -"Kingdom of Mary, the Patron of Hungary")
India:........................सत्यमेव जयते (Satyameva Jayate) (Sanskrit - "Truth alone triumphs")
Indonesia:..............Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Old Javanese - "Unity in diversity")
Iran:............................Esteghlâl, Azâdi, Jomhouri-ye Islâmi (Persian - "Independence, Freedom, Islamic Republic")
Jamaica:........................Out of many, one people
Jordan:..........................الأردن أوّلاً, | الله، الوطن، الملك
Kenya:........................Harambee (Swahili - "Let's work together")
Kiribati:......................Te mauri, te raoi ao te tabomoa (Kiribati - "Health, Peace and Prosperity")
Korea, North:..........강성대국(强盛大國) (Korean - "Prosperous and great country")
Korea, South:..........홍익인간(弘益人間) or 널리 인간을 이롭게 하라 (Korean - "Broadly bring benefit to humanity")
Laos:.......................Peace, independence, democracy, unity and prosperity
Latvia:....................Tēvzemei un Brīvībai (Latvian - "For Fatherland and Freedom")
Lebanon:.............Koullouna Lil Watan, Lil Oula wal'Allam (Arabic - "Us all! For our Nation, for our Emblem and Glory!")
Lithuania:.........Vienybė težydi (Lithuanian - Let unity bloom)
Luxembourg:..Mir wëlle bleiwe wat mir sin (Luxembourgeois - "We want to stay what we are")
Malaysia:.......................Bersekutu Bertambah Mutu (Malay -"Unity increases Strength")
Mauritius:...................Stella clavisque Maris Indici (Latin - "Star and key of the Indian Ocean")
Mexico:.....................El respeto al derecho ajeno es la paz (Spanish - "Respect for the rights of others is peace"). Sufragio efectivo, no reelección (Spanish - "Effective suffrage, not re-election)", this is presently found in the signature of some of their official documents.
Monaco:...................Deo juvante (Latin - "With God's help")
Morocco:................God, the Country, the King
Namibia:.................Unity, liberty, justice
Nauru:....................God's will first
Nepal:.....................जननी जन्मभूमिष्च स्वर्गादपि गरियसि (Sanskrit - "Mother and motherland are greater than heaven")
Netherlands:.......Je maintiendrai, Ik zal handhaven (French, Dutch - "I will maintain")
Netherlands Antilles:......Libertate unanimus (Latin - "Unified by freedom")
Nigeria:......................Unity and Faith, Peace and Progress
Norway:......................Royal motto: Alt for Norge (Norwegian - "Everything for Norway")
Pakistan:........................Yaqeen-mukkam , ittihad , nazm (Urdu - "Faith (self-confidence), unity, discipline")
Panama:.........................Pro mundi beneficio (Latin - "For the benefit of the world")
Paraguay:......................Paz y justicia (Spanish - "Peace and justice")
Philippines:....................Maka-Diyos, Makatao, Makakalikasan at Makabansa (Filipino - "God, People, Nature and Country")
Peru:....................Firme y feliz por la Unión (Spanish - "Steady and happy for the union")
Poland:...............none; unofficially, Bóg, Honor, Ojczyzna (Polish - "God, Honour, Fatherland")
Puerto Rico:.....Joannes Est Nomen Eius (Latin - "John is his name")
Republic of Macedonia (Former Yugoslav):.......Sloboda ili smrt (Macedonian - "Liberty or death")
Rhodesia:..............Nomine digna (Latin - "May she be worthy of the name")
Romania:...............Desteapta-te Romane (Romanian - "Wake up, Romanian")
Saint Lucia:...................The land, the people, the light
San Marino:..................Libertas (Latin - "Liberty")
Senegal:...........................Un peuple, un but, une foi (French - "One people, one goal, one faith")
Serbia:...........................Samo Sloga Srbina Spasava (Serbian - "Only solidarity will save the Serbs")
Seychelles:..................Finis coronat opus (Latin - "The end crowns the work")
Sierra Leone:...........Unity, freedom, justice
Singapore:...................Majulah Singapura (Malay - "Onward Singapore")
South Africa:.............!ke e: /xarra //ke (/Xam - "Diverse people unite" or "Unity in Diversity")
Spain:.....................Plus ultra (Latin - "Further beyond")
Solomon Islands:............To lead is to serve
Soviet Union (former):..................Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь! (Russian - "Workers of the world, unite!")
Suriname:.......................Justitia, pietas, fides (Latin - "Justice, piety, loyalty")
Swaziland:.....................Siyinquaba (Swati - "We are the fortress")
Sweden:..........................För Sverige i tiden (Swedish - "For Sweden, with the times")
Switzerland:.................Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno (Latin - "One for all, all for one", traditional, but not official)
Togo:.......................Travail, Liberté, Patrie (French - "Work, liberty, homeland")
Turkey:..................Yurtta Sulh, Cihanda Sulh (Turkish - "Peace at home, peace in the world")
Tuvalu:...................Tuvalu mo te Atua (Tuvaluan - "Tuvalu for the Almighty")
Ukraine:..................Воля, злагода, добро (Ukrainian - "Freedom, Concord, Kindness")
United Kingdom:....Dieu et mon droit (French - "God and my right", Royal motto)
United States:........E pluribus unum (Latin - "Out of many, one") and In God We Trust
Vietnam:..................Ðộc lập, tự do, hạnh phúc (Vietnamese - "Independence, liberty, and happiness")
Virgin Islands (US):.....United in Pride and Hope
Western Sahara (SADR):...................... حرية ديمقراطية وحدة (Hassānīya Arabic - "Liberty, Democracy, Unity")
Y, Z
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Smallest country in the world
Your country list is way out of dete ... "The Soviet Union" ....
has been replaced by a number of countries .... do they have mottos ? ? ?
Thanks for the comment. It is much appreciated. The word “former” should be beside Soviet Union. In spite of the fact that the Soviet Union was dissolved in 1991and replaced by Independent States, I have not come across any information on the mottos for any of these individual states. It is possible that they might have in the future or might even recently have one - not of my knowledge though. If you should however find any information pertaining to this, let me know. I would be more than grateful. Thanks.
Really interesting information.
Also, you can add that on bulgarian language "Union is strnegth" is "Saedinenieto pravi silata".
Thanks very much for the compliment and for the info :) I verified it and found it to be authentic and will add this shortly. Thanks once again. It is very much appreciated :)
The Georgian hand writing is pretty. I like to look at the different ABCs of different countries.
That was really interesting - and I'm ashamed to say I know none of them :(
Thanks for the great work!
Trying to write some of them can be another thing :)
Thank you very much :) I'm glad you learned something today. Shame no more ! :)
If you look at the link down here you will see that "Desteapta-te romane" is the National Anthem of Romania and not the motto. There you will find the old motto for Romania, which is "Nihil Sine Dio" which is regarded as our motto by almost all romanians.
a romanian
"Nihil Sine Deo"
sorry :-(
I am doing a school project on diplomacy.
The Corps Diplomatique (Diplomatic Corps) has this motto.
Please can someone tell me what this means???
Any help appreciated. Thank you
There is a blog about the diplomatic corps here.
As a diplomat for over 15 years, I can tell you, "EX AMICITIA PAX" the motto of the Corps Diplomatique/Diplomatic Corps means
"Through Friendshhip Peace"
Why have you omitted Ghana's motto.
The two strongest words that truly identifies Ghanaians
It means: peace though friendship
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