The Maximum Speeds of Animals
Have you ever wondered which animal is the fastest or how fast a specific animal can go? It is even possible also that you might not have thought about it until now. However, inspite what your response may be, you will learn something today or find the answer (s) to your pondering question (s) listed right here.
Animals generally have several characteristics that set them apart from each other. They come in many shapes, sizes, colors and live in different environments within their ecosystems. Some big others small, some with two legs some with four some without, some fast while others are relatively slow. All of these play a role in the speed of an animal compared to others in its environment. Now check the list to find out the maximum speed of some animals.
Animal Maximum Speed A B Black Mamba snake 20 mph C Cape hunting dog 45 mph Cat (domestic) 30 mph Cheetah 70 mph Coyote 43 mph Chicken 9 mph D E Elk 45 mph Elephant 25 mph F G Garden snail 0.03 mph Giant Tortoise 0.17 mph Giraffe 32 mph Gray fox 42 mph Greyhound 39.35 mph Grizzly bear 30 mph H Human 27.89 mph Hyena 40 mph I J Jackal 35 mph K L Lion 50 mph M Mongolian wild ass 40 mph Mule deer 35 mph N O P Pig (domestic) 11 mph Pronghorn Antelope 61 mph Q Quarter horse 47.5 mph R Rabbit (domestic) 35 mph Reindeer 32 mph S Six-lined race runner 18 mph Spider (tegenaria atrica) 1.17 mph Squirrel 12 mph T Thompson's gazelle 50 mph Three-toed sloth 0.15 mph U V W Wart hog 30 mph Whippet 35.50 mph White-tailed deer 30 mph Wildebeest 50 mph Wild turkey 15 mph X Y Z Zebra 40 mph
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