The Life Span of Animals - How Long Do Animals Live?
Labels: AnimalsHave you ever wondered how long an animal of a given species is expected to live? Well this weeks article will provide you with a list of animals with their average life spans. All species of animals that die naturally over a period of time can provide us with their life expectancy. This information gives us their average life span which can roughly tell us how long a particular animal specie can live. Since this is just an average life expectancy, no doubt you will always have some exceptions. You will definitely have a few animals exceeding their life span.
Some animals life span might seems very short while others are reasonable long when compared to other animal species. However, the average life expectancy of a given animal is determined by factors such as genetic make up, metabolic rate, body size, age of sexual maturity etc. It is important to note also that some domesticated animal can live longer or shorter than if they were living in their natural environment (habitat). The reason for this may due to conditions such as new life style, change of diet, disease, predator (absent), etc. Therefore, in spite of the fact that many of these values given in the list below are based on records taken from various sources, it should not be seen as the absolute maximum lifespan.
Animal Average Life Span of Animal (Years) African Grey Parrot 50 Alligator 68 Amazon Parrot 80 American Alligator 56 American Box Turtle 123 American Newt 3 American Toad 15 Angleworm 15 Anole 3 Ant (Queen) 3 Ant (Worker) 1/2 Asian elephant 40 B Bare Eyed Cockatoo 40 Bat 24 Bear 40 Beaver 20 Bee (Queen) 5 Bee (Worker) 1 Binturong 18 Bison 30 Blackbird 18 Boa Constrictor 23 Bottlenose Dolphin 20 Box Turtle 123 Budgerigar 18 Bull 28 Bull Frog 16 Bull Snake 18 C Caiman 28 Camel 50 Canada Goose 33 Canary 20 Canvasback duck 19 Capybara 12 Carp 100 Cat 25 Catfish 60 Chicken 15 Chinchilla 20 Chimpanzee 40 Chipmunk 12 Cicada 17 Civet 13 Cobra 28 Cockatiel 32 Common Goldeneye 17 Congo Eel 27 Conure 25 Cottonmouth Mocassin 21 Cottontail 10 Cow 22 Crocodile 45 D Deer 35 Dog, large 10 Dog 22 Domestic Pigeon 26 Donkey 45 E Eagle 55 Eclectus Parrot 20 Eel 55 Egyptian Goose 28 Elephant 70 Elk 22 English Sparrow 23 F Fence Lizard 4 Ferret 12 Flying Squirrel 14 Fox 14 G Galah 26 Galapagos Land Tortoise 193 Gerbil 5 Giant Salamander 55 Giant Tortoise 152 Goat 15 Golden Hamster 4 Gorilla 20 Gouldian finch 6 Great Horned Owl 68 Green Frog 10 Grey Cheeked Parrot 15 Grey Squirrel 20 Grizzly bear 32 Grouse 10 Guinea Pig 8 H Hare 10 Hellbender 29 Hippopotamus 45 Hog 18 Horse 40 House Mouse 4 Human 70-80 Humming Bird 8 I J K Kangaroo 9 Koala 8 L Leopard 17 Leopard Frog 6 Lion 35 Lobster 15 (they can live into their 50’s!) M Macaw 50 Mallard 20 Mongoose 12 Mosquitofish 2 Mountain Lion 20 Mouse 4 Mudpuppy 9 Muscrat 6 Mynah 8 N Newt 7 Norwegian Rat 4 Nutria 15 O Opossum 4 Ox 20 P Painted Turtle 11 Parrot 80 Pea Fowl 20 Pheasant 18 Pig (wild) 25 Pigeon 11 Pionus Parrot 15 Platypus 10 Polar bear 20 Porcupine 20 Prarie Dog 10 Q Quail 6 R Rabbit 9 Rainbow Lorikeet 15 Rat Snake 23 Rattlesnake 22 Red Eared Turtle 7 Redhead Duck 17 Rhinoceros 40 Rosella 15 S Sea Lion 14 Sheep 15 Snapping Turtle 57 South African Clawed Toad 15 Squirrel 16 Sulphur Crested Cockatoo 40 Superb Parrot 36 Swan 102 T Tapir 30 Tasmanian Tiger 7 Teal 20 Tiger 22 Tiger Salamander 11 Toad 36 Toucan 6 Tree Frog 14 Trumpeter Swan 33 Turkey Buzzard 118 U V W Whistling Duck 15 Wombat 15 Wolf 18 Woodchuck 15 X Y Z Zebra Finch 17
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Whoa...the swan and the turkey buzzard surprised me most. I had no idea they could hit the century mark.
Scientists are just learning about how aging occurs on the cellular level. Most recently, HGH - human growth hormone - has been disputed as the "fountain of youth" it had been originaly thought of.
Oxidation, or free radical damage, plays a central role in aging and illness. That we know.
How long does the fly live? Do you know?
Okay guys, I’m back in the blogosphere from my busy schedule :)
The building block of our body is the cell and that’s where our built-in clock are located that control how many times our cells divide or repair itself and when to cease doing so. For the Human Growth Hormone (HGH), only time will tell. Its use as an anti-aging treatment is expensive.
Who knows, we will not live forever but it is quite possible that we will be able to increase human life span to 150 or longer. This begs the question will the poor get old and die quickly while the rich live longer and younger if science should come up with an absolute anti-aging treatment?
Well it depends on what type of fly you are talking about. If you are referring to a house fly then its life span would be about 15 to 30 days.
I know I'm chiming in very late. but I just saw this post and was curious about the Eland and the Yak which do not appear here. :-(
A lot of this data is wrong. The turkey buzzard and swan refer to longest lifespan ever recorded for those animals, not averages.
This data is way off. There is no way that average life span for a dog is 22 years. I've never known a dog to live longer than 15. Likewise for cats. I think this is maximums and those two numbers make me doubt all the other figures.
I think you need to replace average in the matrix title, with record...
If the oldest living dog just turned 21, how can the average lifespan for them be 22?
You have Macaws and Parrots confused. Macaws live anywhere from 80-90 years, and Parrots live less. It all depends on the type of parrot.
Your stats' are tripe!
I've never seen a website with such inaccurate information come top on a search engine. Absolute rubbish. Is this information based on these animals living on another planet?
my swan is 102 and he still tap dances
not bad.
with a normal non stressfull life:
humans:100 not 70-80! much proof here
normal dogs:20 (excluding great danes, teacups) mine is 16, sterilized female almost no medical care in 8 years.
cats:20 (not 25) mine is 18 sterilized female with many injuries.
flies:2 years
gators: 50-60
cockateil:20 (mine is female, 14 almost no medical care in the last 8 years and still very young!)
what about whales dolphins?
its a sad thing to see how badly people treat things that can have life for so long.
also, what are the sexes? are they
sterilized? is that with or without medical care?
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No wonder, turtles top the list! However, I’m amazed to read about the life span of some of these animals!
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102 years for a swan? Now that’s come to me as a shock.
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That's something they rarely mention on tanzania safari holidays. Then again, I guess what's more important is that the animals are there and remain so for generations to come.
Some data are wrong pls clear it
I'm sorry, but I did some fact checking and the life spans I checked were all inaccurate (squirrel, cat, dog, swan..). Well actually I'm not sorry – what's this supposed to be?
Thanks for this read mate. Well, this is my first visit to your blog! But I admire the precious time and effort you put into it, especially into interesting articles you share here!
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