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The Effects of Global Warming

Published Saturday, May 12, 2007

Global warming is the overall increase in the temperature of the earth. Just a small rise in temperature ( 2° F or 1.1°C) can have serious effects on climatic conditions and weather changes. This could affect the frequency and severity of storms, hurricanes and tornados, distort seasons duration, increase cloud cover, change precipitation level and wind pattern. Warmer sea surface temperatures will cause frequent storms and hurricanes along the Gulf coasts and southeastern Atlantic. A number of scientists have agreed that global warming is a serious problem that is growing steadily worse. Global warming is happening more quickly in some parts of the world than others. Some other effects of Global Warming that could seriously affect all living organisms are:
  • Greenland ice sheet and Glaciers around the world are melting and even though it has no immediate effect, its oceans volume is increasing which ultimately will lead to rise in sea level. This rise in sea levels could cause flooding problems for low-lying coastal areas (eg. in Florida and the Gulf of Mexico) and some countries below sea level. Flooding would then causesoil erosion and the destruction of crops, soil, livestock, as well as, human and animal habitat. Waterborne diseases such as cholera would spread. Forests, farms and cities would be infested with malaria-carrying mosquitoes.
  • Polar and equatorial regions might have heavier rainfall while interiors around mid-latitude would become dryer resulting periodic drought. This would lead to famine and starvation.
  • There will be an increase in human health problems from air pollution and through the spread of certain diseases such as malaria. There would be a increased in heat-induced deaths (especially among the elderly), the increase in storms and floods would make food and medicine scarce and expensive, death rate would be high, and insurance premiums would rise, just to name a few of the domino effect this would have on humans.
  • Water quality may be affected by an increase in algal blooms and water borne diseases. Water resources would be affected where water is not in short supply.
  • The Ozone layer which is slowly becoming thin (caused by the damaged of Chlorofluorocarbons, a ozone depleting substance) would not be able to screen the earth from the deadly intensity of the Sun’s UV radiation. As a result, there would be skin cancer, cataracts, and impaired immune systems. Also, high concentrations of UV radiation would stunt the growth and leaf development of most plant specie.
  • More than a million living species (plant and animal) worldwide could be driven to extinction due to the disruption of habitats such as coral reefs and other habitats on land.
  • There would be an increase in the spreading and formation of acid rain from the combustion of fossil fuels due to the higher emissions of sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. As a result water would become acidic in content and this would be harmful to plants and microorganism in the ecosystem. The soil would become acidic in content and cause leaching of nutrients further down into the soil. Buildings and others things in the environment would be seriously damaged.


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At 12:26 AM, Blogger prying1 said...
At 1:38 PM, Blogger Jay Noel said...
At 7:50 PM, Blogger R. Edmondson said...
At 10:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah! Right - You give your money to creepy cons like AlGore (Who sells to himself so called 'carbon credits') but don't make me give liars like him my money.

Don't expect the rest of the world to fall for this crap. Ice melts in one location and grows in another. (Check the stats again but check sites outside of the crooks websites!) One volcano causes more polution than all the car exhaust in history. (Let's put corks in 'em! - Send me your money and I'll send you the blueprints to manufacture "Corks For Volcanoes!") The SUN heats up the earth and with solar flares causes temporary increases in "Global Temeratures" ( http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4499562022478442170&q=great+global+warming+swindle ) - Goole Video - great global warming swindle -

Quote from show: "The Earth's climate is always changing"

These people want your money and use fear to have you ok taxpayer funding to go towards them.

Send them your money but don't vote in such a way that I have to send them mine!!!

I think people are pressing the panic button and scientists are caving in to that pressure.

The Earth goes through it's ebbs and flows of global temperature swings. From a mini-Ice Age to long term warm ups.

I believe we should respect Mother Earth and do all we can not to contribute to any pollution and such - but I think the impact we have is grossly exaggerated.

Prying1 and The Phoenix:

Point taken and I do hope this is correct. However, I try to keep an open mind on the issue nevertheless. It is interesting to see scientists on both sides of the issue affirming or debunking the man-made global warming era that they say we are approaching.

We all certainly have our own beliefs on the situation but isn’t it a scientist's job to produce hard core data to back this up? Well, they are from both sides providing a wealth of scientific data in support of their positions. Which one is the pseudo-scientific data? This is where the confusion starts. Who can we trust? Scientist are suppose to use scientific methods to provide us with accurate information but many today are biased and politicking.

There is no doubt that humans activities are having negative impacts on the environment. The Earth is definitely getting hotter from global warming but I really don’t know if this is due to a man-made global warming, other that the fact that a number of scientist say so. If this is the case, I hope scientist from both sides will agree on it quickly before it is too late because we'll all suffer in the end.

I can't believe that all of you people don't believe that all this stuff is really happening! We should all be trying to team up on this, because it needs every persons participation. I fear for the earth as so many people think that it is all a big con! Please, everybody need to watch the movie "An Inconvinient Truth" I think that Al Gore would have been a fantastic president, but you all voted for George Bush. I have a poster of misquotes from him, and I can't believe some of the daft things he says. Get your heads together Americans!!!!

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